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  • Agenda
  • [30 de abril] Seminario del IESTA (SIESTA): (Continuous) GMM Quantile Regression

[30 de abril] Seminario del IESTA (SIESTA): (Continuous) GMM Quantile Regression

29 Abril 2019

El martes 30 de abril a las 14 horas en la Sala de Reuniones del IESTA (Eduardo Acevedo 1139, 1er Piso) tendrá lugar la charla a cargo de Graciela Sanroman del Departamento de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales presentando (Continuous) GMM Quantile Regression.

Pueden asistir estudiantes, docentes y personas interesadas en el tema.

Afiche genérico SIESTA A3


This paper develops generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation and inference procedures for quantile regression models when allowing for general parametric
restrictions on the parameters of interest over a set of quantiles. First, we suggest a
GMM estimator for simultaneous estimation across multiple quantiles. This estimator
exploits a partition of the quantile space, which induces a weighting matrix that is independent of the parameters of interest and the number of partitions itself. The GMM estimator is designed to estimate a fixed number of quantiles simultaneously, is flexible since it allows for imposing restrictions on the parameters of interest over a set of moments indexed by the quantiles, and accounts for information across quantiles to improve e ciency. Second, we study the properties of the GMM estimator when the number of partitions diverge to in finity, and derive its efficiency bound. Third, we suggest an alternative smooth GMM estimation procedure for large number moments. We establish the asymptotic properties of both GMM estimators. Monte Carlo simulations show numerical evidence of the fi nite sample properties of the methods. These methods have the advantage of being simple to implement in practice.

Información adicional sobre el Seminario

El SIESTA es el Seminario del IESTA creado para generar un espacio de intercambio sobre investigación en el área de Estadística o temas de interés para la misma.

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