Se extiende invitación del Grupo de Investigación en Dinámica Económica (GIDE) al seminario "Understanding patterns of regional sub-groups migration in Italy", a cargo del Prof. Carlos Detotto.
El evento tendrá lugar el 29 de agosto a las 17 hs, en el Salón Multifuncional de FCEA.
Sobre la actividad
In many EU countries, during last decades we have observed several changes in migration patterns that have modified the geography of the European population. In this scenario both leading and lagging regions have appeared, increasing the already existing spatial disparities. The purpose of this study is to investigate the determinants of internal migration by individual characteristics of migrants such as age, gender and human capital in order to identify different sub-group patterns. Taking Italy as a case study, we perform a Seemingly Unrelated Regression panel model on inter-provincial origin-destination flows in the time span 1975-2005. Our findings show that low- and medium-skilled migrants have a similar behaviour, especially among young people. Furthermore, medium-skilled people go where GDP is higher and unemployment is lower (= lower inequality?), while high-skilled migrants go where GDP and unemployment are higher (= higher inequality?)
Los autores de la ponencia son Bianca Biagi, Claudio Detotto y Alessandra Faggian.
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