Los Seminario de Investigación del Instituto de Economía tendrán una frecuencia semanal. En ellos se presentarán avances de investigación o trabajos en curso sobre diversos tópicos disciplinares.
El primero tendrá lugar el martes 7 de julio a las 12 horas por Zoom.
Información: ID - 957 4591 5950 / Contraseña - 4k?7YQk2U4
Ponente: Julio Garín (ClaremontMcKennaCollege). Presenta "Life-CycleInequality" (en co-autoría con C. Curtis y R. Lester). "We document how lifetime utility varies by different demographic groups in the US and how these differences have evolved over the last 20 years. Our lifetime utility metric includes consumption, leisure, mortality risk, and within-group inequality. Using the equivalent variation as our measure of welfare we find that the standard deviation in cross-sectional welfare between demographic groups is quite large at around nine percent and is on par with the cross-sectional standard deviation of log income and well above that of log consumption. The results are primarily driven by differences in consumption and life expectancy. Differences in leisure pay a modest role while within-group inequality accounts for almost nothing quantitatively. Controlling for other demographics, welfare is increasing in educational attainment and higher for women and those of Asian descent. This qualitative ordering is robust to classifying a broad measure of home production and child care as work. Finally, we calculate the counterfactual mortality rates and the corresponding distribution of welfare gains from eliminating deaths of despair".
Página web del investigador: http://juliogarin.com/
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