El martes 1 de setiembre a las 12 horas por Zoom tendrá lugar un nuevo Seminario del Instituto de Economía. Los Seminario de Investigación del Instituto de Economía tienen una frecuencia semanal. En ellos se presentan avances de investigación o trabajos en curso sobre diversos tópicos disciplinares.
ID: 983 0874 0093
Contraseña: uVg&C9.55Q
Mariana Zerpa (KU-Leuven- IZA) presentará la actividad.
"Job losses, which cause a negative shocks to family income and loss of access to employer-sponsored health insurance, can lead to gaps in family insurance coverage, placing families at risk of negative health consequences and high out-of-pocket health costs. Safety net programs have the potential to help maintain health insurance coverage and smooth health expenditures during periods of unemployment by replacing lost income and offering access to health insurance. This paper examines whether variation across US states, time, and family types in the generosity of two large social insurance programs —public health insurance and unemployment insurance— contributes to heterogeneity in the effects of parental job loss on children's health insurance coverage and on family health expenditures".
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