El martes 15 de setiembre a las 12 horas por Zoom tendrá lugar un Seminario del Instituto de Economía. En estos seminarios se presentan avances de investigación o trabajos en curso sobre diversos tópicos disciplinares. La actividad la presentará Néstor Gandelman (Universidad ORT Uruguay) en co-autoría con I. Munyo y E. Schertz: "Cash and crime" (en co-autoría con I. Munyo y E. Schertz).
"We exploit a legal modification that prohibits the use of cash at night in gas stations. Geo-referenced crime data allow us to improve the identification of the effect relative to the previous literature. The elimination of cash is associated with an at least 30-percent decrease in the rate of robberies in treated areas. The reduction in crime is observed in robberies and not in other forms of violent offenses, suggesting the impact is motivated by economic reasons. We do not detect temporal or geographic displacement effects. Results are robust to alternative definitions of the control groups and estimation methods".
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