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  • Seminario del Instituto de Economía

Seminario del Instituto de Economía

13 Octubre 2020

El 13 de octubre a las 12 horas por Zoom tendrá lugar un Seminario del Instituto de Economía. Los Seminario de Investigación del Instituto de Economía tienen una frecuencia semanal. En ellos se presentan avances de investigación o trabajos en curso sobre diversos tópicos disciplinares. En esta ocasión presentará Roxana Maurizio (CONICET-Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Política de Buenos Aires).

Zoom: 928 2695 4313
Contraseña: 5!CKSCwJ?*


"There is an intense debate worldwide on the impact of technological change and, in particular, of task automation, on the labour market and earnings. The relocation from manual and routine cognitive work to non-routine cognitive tasks seems to be the rule in advanced economies. However, we know little about this process in developing countries, especially in Latin America. The aim of this paper is to identify the scope and patterns of the structural transformation as evidenced by changes in occupations and in its task content, and their impact on employment, earnings and income distribution in Argentina during the new millennium. Econometric results reject the job polarization hypothesis. Macroeconomic conditions, production structure and labour market institutions seem to shape the impact of technology on job demand and on earnings distribution".

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