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Seminario del Instituto de Economía

10 Noviembre 2020

El martes 10 de noviembre a las 12 horas tendrá lugar vía Zoom un Seminario del Instituto de Economía. Los Seminario de Investigación del Instituto de Economía tienen una frecuencia semanal. En ellos se presentan avances de investigación o trabajos en curso sobre diversos tópicos disciplinares.

ID: 928 2695 4313
Contraseña: 5!CKSCwJ?*

La actividad estará a cargo de I. Alfassa (Maestría en Economía-FCEA), E. Pienika (BCU) y L. Pittaluga (IECON). Lleva por título "Beyond GDP: estimation of the Uruguayan Genuine Progress Indicator between years 2006-2013".


"Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been one of the most common measures to evaluate economic performance. However, there is growing consensus that it is an inadequate tool to assess welfare over time, particularly in its economic, environmental and
social dimensions. Ecological economists believe that measuring sustainable development depends on the elaboration of indicators that also consider the negative social and environmental externalities of a growing economy. One of these alternative indicators is the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), which is a later version of the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW). The GPI intends to address the challenge of obtaining a better understanding of the side effects of the physical expansion of economic systems. The  main contribution of this paper is to build the Uruguayan GPI 2.0 for the 2006-2013 period. The general results indicate that the increase in economic activity was accompanied by an increase in wellbeing, although side effects of economic growth as water pollution, crime costs, commuting and vehicle accidents evolved negatively. This may jeopardize wellbeing in the medium and long term".

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