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  • Agenda
  • Seminario de Investigación del GIDE

Seminario de Investigación del GIDE

02 Septiembre 2021

El Grupo de Investigación en Dinámica Económica invita el jueves 2 de setiembre a las 13 horas al Seminario de investigación del GIDE titulado The Opportunistic, the Indifferent and the Angry: The Effect of Temperature on Crime" del profesor Ph.D. Emiliano Tealde (Director de la Licenciatura en Economía, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales de UCU).

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This paper evaluates the effect of temperature on crime and studies the mechanism through which the causal relationship operates. Using hourly data on crime, arrests, weather and economic activity, the results do not support the hypothesis that anger explains why property crime increases with temperature. Rather, our findings suggest that property crime criminals act like rational agents who take advantage of the diminishing direct cost of crime when temperature rises. Violent crime against persons does increase with temperature, which suggests that the anger hypothesis does explain the temperature-dependent increase in this type of crime.

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