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Seminario de investigación en turismo

07 Octubre 2021

El grupo de investigación en Administración y Economía del Turismo -GAET- invita a un Seminatio de investigación en turismo el jueves 7 de octubre a las 10:15 horas en modalidad virtual. Inscripciones en este enlace

Ponente: Raffaele Scuderi

Institución: Kore University of Enna, Italy

Nombre del trabajo: Training and skills improvement of seasonal workers in tourism


Seasonality and turnover are two main features of the labour market in tourism which often discourage both managers and employees to invest in training and thus improve workers’ skills. This paper aims to assess the factors that relate with tourism workers’ willingness to invest in training. We analyze data from a dedicated survey administered to a sample of seasonal employees who worked in the Rimini Province (Italy), one of the most important Italian seasonal destinations for sun, sand and sea mass tourism. We investigate the different stages of the employment process, making a distinction between monetary and non-monetary components of the investment in training. Results show how the worker’s propensity is variously related with some of the features of the employment pattern, that is job search, selection process, actual job related factors. Implications deal with the quest to address the risk of suboptimal training investments in the industry, which is stronger in presence of a long-lasting recession such as the one followed the COVID-19 pandemic.

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