El jueves 28 de abril a las 11 horas tendrá lugar el Seminario de Investigación del GIDE titulado Using spatial econometrics models to parametrize ABM: anapplication to land and housing markets in Corsica. Estará a cargo de Ph.D. Dominique Prunetti (Associated Professor, University of Corsica, France), junto a Claudio Detotto, Corinne Idda, Eric Innocenti, Yuheng Ling.
La actividad será en el salón 302 del Aulario del Área Social y Artística y virtual. Para obtener el link de acceso a los seminarios en modalidad virtual, comunicarse al correo Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..
In this paper, we present an Agent-Based Model of Land-Use and Cover Change (ABM/LUCC) to simulate the complex system of land and property markets in Corsica (a French Mediterranean island). Thus, the main empirical application of this paper is the land and property markets in Corsica, which, because of their dynamics, generate strong pressure on prices and conflicts overland use. However, although our approach is adapted to the geographical context of Corsica, it isflexible enough to be adapted to other similar contexts to simulate and evaluate land-use policies.We detailed the modeling process from the real world to the virtual world. The conceptual modelallows consideration of heterogeneous agents, spatial and agent interactions and non-equilibriumdynamics. In an experimental part, we proceeded to model quantitative verification in simulatingeconomic scenarios. The parametrization of our simulation is based both on hedonic regression andon spatial econometrics.
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