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  • Seminario de investigación en turismo

Seminario de investigación en turismo

05 Mayo 2022

El jueves 5 de mayo a las 11 horas en modalidad híbrida tendrá lugar un Seminario de investigación en turismo, organizado por el Grupo de Investigación en Administración y Economía del Turismo (GAET).

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Ponente: Stanislav Ivanov
Institución: Varna University of Management, Bulgaria
Nombre del trabajo: Economic aspects of the use of robots, artificial intelligence and service automation in travel, tourism and hospitality


The presentation deals with the fundamental economic concepts that must be wrestled with the incorporation of robots, artificial intelligence and service automation (RAISA) into the travel, tourism and hospitality industries. It elaborates the financial and non-financial costs and benefits that need to be considered when taking a decision to use RAISA technologies. Automation of tasks leads to simultaneous substitution and enhancement of human employees. The presentation discusses the factors that influence the relationship between the substitution and enhancement effects. Introduction of RAISA technologies results on inevitable deskilling of some and upskilling of other tourism and hospitality jobs which will also be addressed.

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