El jueves 19 de mayo a las 11 horas en modalidad híbrida tendrá lugar un Seminario del grupo de investigación en Administración y Economía del Turismo (GAET). Es necesario inscribirse en este enlace.
Invitamos a participar a quienes quieran presentar investigaciones recientes en Administración y Economía del Turismo, ya sean docentes, tesistas, jóvenes en formación que inician su actividad de investigación, becarias y becarios.
Ponente: Andres Artal
Institución: Universidad de Cartagena, España
Nombre del trabajo: Tourist´s expenditure and contextual destination effects: A multilevel spatial modelling approach
Tourist´s expenditure is a key variable for the tourism industry, with this literature growing remarkably in the last years. In this paper, we account for the role that the spatial contextual effects play in driving the spending choices of tourists, using data on international visitors reaching 1872 destinations in Spain. In doing so, we define and estimate a two-level hierarchical spatial model that includes spatial effects operating both at the level of the destination level and in the neighbouring cluster where they are embedded. The results of the research show that the spatial contextual effects appear as key factors, accounting for around the 50% of the variance of the expenditure of tourists. Contributions of the investigation include important methodological and policy issues.
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