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  • Seminario de investigación del GID

Seminario de investigación del GID

26 Mayo 2022

El jueves 26 de mayo a las 11 horas tendrá lugar un Seminario de Investigación del GIDE titulado "Regional growth, convergence clubs and idiosyncratic shocks: An analysis for the states of Mexico 1980-2018". Estará a cargo de Ph.D. Maria Isabel Osorio Caballero (UNAM, México).

Será en modalidad híbrida, en salón AAS 302 y virtual. Para obtener el link de acceso a los seminarios en modalidad virtual, comunicarse al correo Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..


The literature on economic growth in Latin America still presents mixed results regarding the existence or not of a convergence path between countries or across the regions inside them. In the case of Mexico, the discussion remains open, with some authors finding convergence conditions, while other not identifying this pattern in data. The present research seeks to abound in this debate by accurately studying the economic growth path of the 32 Federal states over the period 1980-
2018. Firstly, we analyse the income per capita distribution from a statistical point of view. This allows to better characterise the situation followed by country states in the past forty years. Secondly, we run growth equations through panel data models to scrutinise the role played by key factors in this setting, including the level of education, social institutions, and external openness. In doing so, we estimate “growth premium” effects for “state clubs” along the country geography
employing six methods of computation. This allows to provide deeper insights in the study of growth regional trajectories by departing from the traditional narrative on the North-South performance. The econometric results indicate the presence of robust conditional convergence at the country level, with premium effects showing a mixed reality where northern, central and central-southern states alternate as engines of growth along the period of analysis. Main findings
of the investigation indicate the need to continue improving our understanding of the idiosyncratic factors shaping the growth path of the Mexican states. They also recommend to build a new narrative that could take into account the economic potential and contributions of every state to to the growth process, away from previous limited schemes in the development theory.

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