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  • Seminario de investigación en turismo

Seminario de investigación en turismo

02 Junio 2022

El grupo de investigación en Administración y Economía del Turismo -GAET- invita a participar de un Seminario que tendrá lugar el jueves 2 de junio a las 11h. Se titula The Latin America Value Chain of Tourism. Será en modalidad híbrida. Es necesario inscribirse en este enlace

Ponente: Nicolás Garrido
Institución: Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile


This paper analyzes the value chain of the Tourism sector in Latin America. The value chain analysis identifies and evaluate economic impact across industries and countries. In tourism, this requires understanding how service providers (lodging, transportation, hospitality, activities) and distribution intermediaries (tour operators, travel agents, online platforms) interact within and across the border of the countries. The analysis uses information of the National Account of Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia, México, Peru, Ecuador and Paraguay, the trade between these countries and a general structure of the Tourism Satlite Accounts to follow the value chain in the sector. Given some of the restrictions of the data, some scenarios are built to show the main features of this LatinAmerica value chain

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