El jueves 30 de junio a las 11 horas tendrá lugar un Seminario de investigación en turismo. Juan Carlos Martín, de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España, presentará el trabajo The analysis of survey framing in the context of visiting South Africa. The relationship between recommending and complaining. La actividad será en modalidad híbrida.
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It is well known after the Prospect Theory proposed by Kahneman and Tversky (1979) that framing is an important concept that affects not only the choice behaviour but also the responses given to a survey. Differences in presentation and wording can affect the conclusions extracted from a study. To our knowledge, there is still a lack of empirical evidence studying this important issue. The current study aims to analyse framing in the context of the recommendation construct using eight items referred to accommodation, attractions, food-and-beverages and the immigration office of international tourists who visited South Africa. Two different framings are used namely recommending and complaining. The previous assumption is that lack of complaining should be positively related to the recommendation. The methodology is based on a hybrid fuzzy TOPSIS method and a fuzzy clustering approach that uses only 3 different profiles for those international tourists who recommend positively (1), do not recommend at all (2) and recommend with moderation (3). Interesting insights will be discussed.
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