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  • Seminario de Investigación del GIDE

Seminario de Investigación del GIDE

13 Octubre 2022

El jueves 13 de octubre a las 11 horas tendrá lugar un Seminario del GIDE titulado Understanding the role of the environment on the of dynamic of tourism and economic growth: new assumptions in terms of time and population growth rate. Estará a cargo de Pilar Lorenzo (GIDE - Departamento Métodos Cuantitativos - FCEA) y Martín Olivera (GIDE - IECON - FCEA - Udelar).

Será en el salón 302 del Área Social y Artística y en modalidad virtual. Para obtener el link de acceso es necesario comunicarse al correo Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..


Since the seminal work of Balaguer & Cantavella-Jord ́a (2002) the importance in the implications of tourist activity on economic growth has been boosted. Many empirical papers sought to verify what it is known as Tourism Led Growth Hypothesis. Despite the fact, globalization impulse tourism and travelling putting into consideration the concept of Capacity charge and Overtourism. Then, the first concept is strongly related with environmental sustainability which do not appear in tourism reaserch since some years ago. Thus, this paper seeks to contribute by modelling a scheme of an economy specialized on tourism activity and its impact on growth when environmental sustainability in taking into account.
The model’s framework describes a tourist and dependent economy which has a tourist market with its supply and demand. Fixed capital and population are included as included as determinants of production (as Solow-Swan growth model). In addition, natural capital and pollution are also included to achieve tourism characteristics from an environmental perspective. On the other side, there exists consumers who look for maximize its welfare. With previous inputs and considering a discrete time approach since own tourism particularities, the economic dynamic is obtained in terms of previous indicators. Possible steady-state equilibria and its further characteristics are also taking into account. To do this, dynamic programming tools and Bellman’s method are employed. In addition, some other mathematical tools as the Inplicit Function Theorem and the Hartman-Grobman Theorem are also required to achieve the goal. The dynamic of population is highlighted as a contribution to understand the classical growth model when population law is different from the classical exponential law by proposing a logistic population law. Results indicates the existence of a unique equilibrium where pollution is situated on its available maximum, while natural capital depends mainly on the population steady state level. Consumption and fixed capital also reach positive values in the steady-states. Policy implication and further discussion is also done considering the qualitative dynamic study since its convergence, divergence.

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