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  • Seminario de investigación en turismo

Seminario de investigación en turismo

20 Octubre 2022

El jueves 20 de octubre a las 11 horas tendrá lugar un Seminario de investigación en turismo. La ponencia se titulará The economics of second-home tourism: Are there expenditure reallocation effects from accommodation savings? (la presentación se realizará en español) y estará a cargo de David Boto García.

Es necesario inscribirse a través de este formulario. La activdad será en modalidad híbrida. 


Second-home tourism is a popular type of tourism activity by which people spend leisure time away from home at second residences. Given the budget constraint, accommodation savings from not having to pay for the accommodation might produce expenditure reallocation effects in other tourism categories. This paper examines the expenditure differences between market-based accommodation and second-home tourists in Spain. Using representative microdata for more than 37,000 tourists travelling in the summer periods of 2017, 2018 and 2019, we estimate Craggit-type expenditure functions to study potential reallocation effects in recreational activities, bars and restaurants and other items. We find that second-home tourists consistently spend significantly less per person, both in total and disaggregated by categories. Accordingly, no evidence of reallocation effects in destination expenditure is found. However, auxiliary AIDS demand estimation suggests the budget shares of recreational activities, bars and restaurants and other items are significantly higher among second-home tourists.

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