• Institucional
  • Agenda
  • Seminario de investigación del GIDE

Seminario de investigación del GIDE

20 Junio 2024

El Grupo de Investigación en Dinámica Económica (GIDE) invita a participar del Seminario de investigación titulado Detecting Economic Regimes: A Concept-Based Model for Wage-Led and Export-Led GDP Growth de Jakub Bartak de la Universidad de Economía de Crocovia (Kraków University of Economics), Polonia.

"In this paper, we explore the dynamic relationship between economic growth and some of its main determinants, including exports, public debt, and labor shares. The study uses annual data from Penn World Tables of per capita GDP (in levels and growth rates), share of merchandise exports in GDP, and share of labour compensation in GDP for ninety-one countries between 1971 and 2019. By using a concept-based model that enables to group countries according to growth regimes the study detects the existence of groups of countries sharing similar economic performance. The main findings of the study suggest heterogeneity among countries, while the clusters’ structure reveals typologies consistent with different development regimes. These findings align with previous studies an underscore the importance of understanding the characteristics of the country when formulating policy recommendations."

El seminario se realizará el jueves 20 de junio a las 13 horas en modalidad virtual.

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