El Grupo de Investigación en Dinámica Económica (GIDE) invita a la comunidad académica al seminario de investigación titulado "Bargaining power: Do individuals outperform groups?", a cargo de los autores Steven B. Caudill (Florida Atlantic University), Laura Ciucci (University of Artois, University of Corsica, and CRENoS) y Claudio Detotto (University of Corsica, and CRENoS).
El seminario se llevará a cabo el jueves 27 de febrero a las 11 horas en modalidad híbrida, en el salón 4 de la FCEA y de manera virtual.
Para acceder al seminario de manera virtual, se solicita a las y los interesados comunicarse con Emiliano Álvarez a través del correo Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. para obtener el link de acceso.
The goal of this study is to examine the relative bargaining power of individuals versus groups, with a specific focus on gender distinctions among single individuals. Utilizing the Inverse Probability Weighting methodology on property transactions in Corsica in the time span 2012-2017, our research reveals that single individuals tend to possess greater bargaining power compared to those in non-single relationships. Single buyers pay 9.43%-9.48% less when purchasing from group sellers and 12.91%-13.44% less when purchasing from single sellers compared to group buyers. The magnitude of this effect for singles is even larger for male singles. Moreover, our analysis uncovers an asymmetry in bargaining power dynamics, indicating a prevalence of greater power among buyers as opposed to sellers.